Fig 1
CAP: Up to 8cm in diameter. Otherwise known as the Oakbug Milkcap this common species has an orange brown cap with the cuticle of the cap initially covered in a frosty glaze. The inrolled margin when young soon turns out and leaves a shape that is flat and sometimes centrally depressed. The cap also damages darker rust and usually has slight zoning or spotting. The stem is concolorous with the cap slightly (darker at the base) and slightly curved when older. GILLS/PORES: The gills are distant, slightly decurrent and are brownish white in colour. FLESH: Creamy white with copious cloudy milk that smells of bedbugs, chip fat, engine oil or some say Woodlice. The taste is bitter. SPORES: Cream, ovate with warts. HABITAT: Found under various Oaks and seems to have a preference for acid soils. SEASON: Autumn. EDIBILITY: Inedible.

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